On a sunny Thursday, 11th of July, an IMBC delegation consisting of Port Street, Common, Beagle, and North Tea Power staff descended upon the quiet spa town of Buxton to brew our 2nd IMBC collaboration brew with Buxton Brewery. After swiftly mashing in, and weighing out some hops, we were treated to a lovely tasting of various prototypes and a particularly delicious bottle of Axe Edge. A bit like liquid, juicy, chewy sweets. After a delightful lunch of local pies, slaw, and cheeses, the boil was over, late hops added, and the transfer to the FV was in full swing.
Thanks to everyone at Buxton for a fantastic day, and particularly Colin, the updates on the beer are tantalising!
- Prepping a barrel
- About to mash in
- Examining the mash
- Tasting prototypes
- Hops are fun
- Breaking up hops
- Transfer
- Cleaning out the mash tun
- Cleaning down