It’s a new month and thus time for IMBC to get back into the collaborative swing of things. Collaborations 3, 4, and 5 took us to Bristol and to Cornwall, to brew with Wiper and True, Arbor, and Harbour. It was a brew de force, with three brew days in a row!
Our first stop was with Wiper and True in Bristol. We convinced Michael and Will that it would be a great idea to brew a Gose… kindly, the gents obliged and started a sour mash that was ready and smelling pretty potent by the time the brew day rolled around. To keep things German, Polaris went into the mash, and Magnum and Polaris were added to the kettle. Look out for this sour little number to cleanse and refresh your palate!
Day 2 in Bristol and it was time to visit Arbor. Jon mashed in a massive 750 kilos of pale malt to enable a double brew day, with the first runnings for a Lemon and Lime Double IPA. Fruit was purchased and zesting was the name of the game for much of the sunny afternoon. We’re quite sure we don’t want to see anymore citrus in the near future… Plenty of hops was also added into the mix, with the heavy hitters Citra, Simcoe, Galaxy, and Cascade the lupulin carriers of choice. It should be a mouth puckering affair.
After we said our goodbyes, we cruised on down to Cornwall, to visit Eddie Lofthouse and Rhys Powell at Harbour. A huge barley wine was on the cards there, a first for Harbour. Summit and Centennial were the hops, and a bit of Amber malt to add a bit of colour. After primary fermentation, the barley wine will get to soak up the woody and whiskey flavours of Jim Beam casks… This one will be huge. Quite possibly, a most excellent night cap.
Thanks to the gents at Wiper and True, Arbor, and Harbour for their superb hospitality and for making these exciting brews happen! We can’t wait to try them in October. And if you think that this is the end of the collaborations road, then you’d be mistaken… Lots more to come!
- Malts
- Mashing in at Wiper and True
- Polaris
- Labeling
- Sour mash
- Michael doing some QC
- Hops into the mash
- Hop circles in the mash
- Transfer
- Arbor
- 216 limes
- Hops
- Grating away
- Jon in action
- Best way to rack…
- Grain in the hopper
- Rhys checks the grain going in
- Tanks of steel
- Wood
- Pellets in the kettle
- Dissolved oxygen meter