Here is the talk and tasting line-up for IMBC 16. To sign up for the below events state your interest on entry to that session. Pop-up tastings will also be happening throughout the festival at brewery bars – listen out for the megaphone!

Here is the talk and tasting line-up for IMBC 16. To sign up for the below events state your interest on entry to that session. Pop-up tastings will also be happening throughout the festival at brewery bars – listen out for the megaphone!
Here’s the aural pairings for all your IMBC antics:
We all know you need a lil something something to soak up those golden ambers which is why we aim to get the best edible arrangements at IMBC. Below is the list for this year, starting with the hot food you’ll find outside in our IMBC Food Village…
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Cider drinkers did not go thirsty at IMBC 15! See below for the evidence…
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In 2015 there was a heaving array of talks, organised tastings & impromptu gatherings at IMBC as per always. Cast an eye over the forthcoming cherries on the icing on the cake.
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Turn it up! Here is evidence of the music line-up for IMBC 15. There were DJs at every session as well as a bumper live line-up from Aficionado on the Sunday closing party.
Hard to believe I know but life did exist outside of IMBC even during IMBC in 2015. We assembled this list of go-tos for all you IMBC goers – life in rich tapestry shocker.
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Every once in a while it’s inevitable that you’ll have a thirst for a not beer. Am I speaking out of line? For those times we invited our chief not beer experts, Idle Hands & Square Root Soda, to the IMBC party. Coffee & soft drink connoisseurs rejoice!