IMBC 2012 and beyond!

As it comes towards the end of the year we are looking forward to IMBC returning in 2013, we have been busy compiling our wish list of brewers for next year and will be announcing session times in the next week or two. The dates for 2013 are Thursday 10th through to Sunday 13th October.


In the meantime here are some lovely quotes about IMBC 2012 that we missed a few months ago :

Beer From The Cellar : “quite frankly an extraordinarily special festival of beer”


Tandleman : “I liked it by and large”


BeersManchester : “I attended the Convention both as a customer and as a volunteer and enjoyed both, hugely!”


Dates for 2013

We are proud to announce we will be back at Victoria Baths in 2013, the dates will be Thursday 10th until Sunday 13th October 2013.

Tickets will be on sale from March 1st 2013.

Session times and more information will be announced real soon.


IMBC 2012 – Retrospective


Well that was IMBC 2012, we had plenty of fun hosting an amazing event, we hope you did too? It took a while to ‘come down’ from such a great couple of days! Judging by the ever flowing twitter feed it made us glow with all the lovely comments. Thanks everyone!

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What The HELL Is Craft Beer? A Blog.

As an idealist I went into this discussion thinking we would sort this issue out once and for all, alas as I am beginning to learn the idealist is oft disappointed. I say disappointed, however this is a gross exaggeration, it was a real privilege to take this discussion out of the internet and into the real world, a lively and animated discussion amongst esteemed members of the beer community, what more could I have asked for? Our panel comprised of John Clarke (south Manchester CAMRA), Toby Mckenzie (Head Brewer, Redwillow Brewery), Zac Avery (Blogger and owner of Beer Paradise), Peter Alexander (CAMRA type, NWAF organiser) and James Watt (Head Honcho, Brewdog), we attempted to make the panel as balanced as possible with some pro-craft and those with a more traditional CAMRA perspective. There were certainly flaws in the event, chiefly among them a lack of women on the panel, this was highlighted by the very mixed demographic of the crowd in attendance, perhaps an imbalance in the panel, we possibly needed another staunch craft perspective. We live and learn, if you have any comments as to flaws or possible improvements in the format then please let us know.

As the compere for the evening my brief was to keep the discussion going, stimulate discussion and to try and keep my opinions to myself. Each member of the panel was given 3 minutes to state their case, a very brief run down of some of the live tweets from the talk:

“Trying to define it (craft beer) I don’t think we’re going to get anywhere” – John Clarke (CAMRA)

“A really powerful thing is how you define yourself ” – Zak Avery

“we need the definition, to protect it from the multi corporate bastards” James Watt (Brewdog)

“I don’t think we can define craft beer” – Tandleman

“we should not follow the USA in relation to their definition of craft beer” – Tandleman

“You’ve got your own palates! We brew beer you like it, you drink it. You don’t like it, you don’t drink it.” – Toby Mckenzie

“It’s about education. Information for the consumer is key to drink better beer.” – James Watt (BrewDog)

“Not everyone can drink expensive beer” – Zak Avery

“We don’t need a definition. Summer Wine, RedWillow, Thornbridge, Quantum are growing – does it matter?” – James (SWB)

“Be wary of selling things. Don’t push people out. Keep the prices low.” – Tandleman

Well that gives you a flavour of the discussion, the only person who really advocated a tighter definition of craft beer was James Watt, stating size, independence and something else, a broadly similar to the American Brewers Association definition. I was surprised that more people didn’t really support this type of motion, personal I think there is some sense in it.

Do we really need a definition at all? I would argue that maybe we don’t, the US have a constitution set in stone the UK do not, is there a parallel to be drawn here, do us Brits need strict rules to judge these things by and even if we did would we still argue about them anyway? I would say that maybe we need a set of aspirations so that consumers can judge for themselves what is and isn’t craft, some guidance through the world of beer particularly for the uninitiated. I think some of the proposal containing in Tandleman’s blog are very sensible, to develop a broad qualitative definition, maybe using size, independence, ethos and other such wooly terms, at least this gives people a framework by which to make up their own minds.

In terms of ‘craft beer’ being derided as a marketing term, what is the problem with it being a marketing term? Real ale has become a marketing term and plenty of brewers have hung their hat on that, why not have a marketing term which could help small brewers, pubs and customers a like in the same way real ale has done so far.

I think it’s fair to say outwardly we may not have come to a conclusion, however I think it was good to get the discussion out in the open and it has maybe thrown up a few possible discussion points for future events such as:

What future for CAMRA? Beer is an exciting and dynamic industry with a changing demographic, young people, women, previous non-beer drinkers of all ages are getting interested. Can CAMRA keep pace? Is it interested in moving forward? Is it too late? Has the campaign(for real ale) been won already?

Why are PROFIT and MARKETING dirty words in the beer industry? Two words which are vital to the success of any small business or industry as a whole so why do so many get so worked up a bout them?

Words By Jonathan Heyes

Tickets update

A quick update for you all! Friday and Saturday Late sessions (5.30pm – 11.30pm) have now SOLD OUT, we will have 50 tickets available on the door. First come, first served, they will be £11 each. We still have a few Friday and Saturday lite session (12pm – 4.30pm) available online.


Friday / Saturday lite (12pm until 4.30pm) – £6 advance / £8 on the door
Friday / Saturday late (5.30pm until 11.30pm) – £ advance tickets sold out /  £11 (50 tickets on the door from 5.30pm)


Limited ‘walk up’ tickets are available on a first come first served basis, get there early to avoid disappointment.

Advance tickets are still available via eventbrite, purchasing in advance will save you a bit of money and guarantee entry. Capacity is limited on ALL sessions.

If you have any questions about ticket availability, the festival hotline number is : 07967 257504

Less than a week to go / press previews

With under a week to go, IMBC fever is really hitting boiling point! It’s your last weekend to grab tickets and our full beer list has been announced, what excuse do you have? Indy Man Beer Con is just around the corner.

Here are some lovely previews we have received! Hope to see you all the festival next week.


“After years living in the shadow of draught-flow Boddingtons, the north west of England’s beer scene is shaking off the shackles of mediocrity…like a Port Eliot festival for the liver” – Caught By The River


“Manchester’s Best Ever Beer Festival?…The two-day event looks to break away, too, from the stereotypes of the average beer festival” – Manchester Confidential


“The Independent Manchester Beer Convention has the potential to be the most exciting beer event that I’ve ever attended” – The ReluctantScooper


“Looks like being the best beer festival in the country this year” – Caveman Brewery